To this end it came to be believed that imps were the familiar spirit servants of witches and warlocks, where the little demons served as spies and informants. Being associated with Jinnestan and fire, imps take a particular pleasure from playing with temperatures. This trait gave way to using the term "impish" for someone who loves pranks and practical jokes. They often used jokes and pranks as a means of attracting human friendship, which often backfired when people became tired or annoyed of the imp's endeavors, usually driving it away.Įven if the imp was successful in getting the friendship it sought, it often still played pranks and jokes on its friend, either out of boredom or simply because this was the nature of the imp. Imps were often portrayed as lonely little creatures always in search of human attention.

Though imps are often thought of as being immortal, many cultures believed that they could be damaged or harmed by certain weapons and enchantments, or be kept out of people's homes by the use of wards. Most of the time, the pranks were harmless fun, but some could be upsetting and harmful, such as switching babies or leading travellers astray in places with which they were not familiar. Imps were fond of pranks and misleading people. Their behavior is described as being wild and uncontrollable. Imps are often shown as small and not very attractive creatures. Imps were often mischievous rather than evil or harmful, and in some regions they were portrayed as attendants of the gods. It should also be noted that demons in Germanic legends were not necessarily always evil. This website also provides you English Grammar, TOEFL and most common words.Originating from Germanic folklore, the imp was a small lesser demon. The dictionary has mainly three features : translate English words to Afrikaans translate Afrikaans words to English, copy & paste any paragraph in the Reat Text box then tap on any word to get instant word meaning.
#Imp meaning android#
This English to Afrikaans dictionary also provides you an Android application for your offline use. It has more than 500,000 word meaning and is still growing. This dictionary helps you to search quickly for Afrikaans to English translation, English to Afrikaans translation.
#Imp meaning tv#
It does not only give you English toAfrikaans and Afrikaans to English word meaning, it provides English to English word meaning along with Antonyms, Synonyms, Examples, Related words and Examples from your favorite TV Shows. This dictionary has the largest database for word meaning. This is not just an ordinary English to Afrikaans dictionary & Afrikaans to English dictionary. (16) But then I began to feel rather like a character in one of those moralistic cartoons - a man who has a mischievous imp on one shoulder and a self-righteous angel on the other. (15) There are two sides to her - the hard-nosed competitor you see on television and the mischievous imp that her friends know. (14) Lucy was the youngest of five daughters and was described by her family as a ÔÇÿmischievous little imp with a cheeky smileÔÇÖ.

(13) The imp said, ÔÇÿOh, that is not wonderful,ÔÇÖ and crept into the hole to show Virgil how it was done, whereupon Virgil closed up the hole and kept the imp there.
#Imp meaning movie#
(12) When I take her child-like hand in my meaty paw, my gaze is met with the liquid black eyes of AmÔö£┬«lie, the mischievous imp from the movie of the same title. (11) One day, she is asked to train a new girl, a childish imp. (9) Immediately the imp within me starts whispering, ├ö├ç├┐Hey, you could do anything you want.├ö├ç├û (10) He grinned like an imp, apologised and declared he would instead talk about the policies he would not be pursuing. (8) When she smiled and curtsied, she reminded me of a sprite-ish imp. (7) Twenty years on, our civilised world is dismantled by subtler and more bewildering inner forces, by our own natures, by what Poe called ├ö├ç├┐the imp of the perverse├ö├ç├û. (5) a cheeky young imp (6) The director steered clear of portraying him as a cheeky imp and wisely made him a nameless creep. (3) This girl is something of a mischievous imp who flat out refuses to toe the line! (4) The introspection imp usually sits on my shoulder every New Year, but it just seems to be a lot more ├ö├ç├┐weighty├ö├ç├û this time. (2) And still it sat there upon its inky throne surrounded by inky superstition, leering over him with an evil smirk and waiting - waiting with all the patience of an imp or demon. (1) The image of a child was not of innocence but of an imp, a little devil, likely to commit sin unless corrected.